All about Eunoia and Generosity water


“The word ‘Eunioa originates from Greek. It means beautiful thinking, or well mind”

Why Eunioa?
At Eunioa, we believe in thinking beyond the borders of everyday thought and cultivating our minds. We strive to be  mindful about the message our agency is promoting in terms of clients, staff and relationships in order to create an understandable and relatable dialogue between the our brand, our clients and their consumers

Logo Rational

Water droplets: most often used metaphor for mindfulness. The droplet is represented in a mirrored way because it presents past, present and forward thinking.

Colour: The colour blue represents depth, peace and a calm state of mind. It also symbolizes strength, trust and confidence and truth. Science also states that the colour blue can boost your ability to think creatively

Core Values

At Eunoia we value positive dialogue, receptive conditions, power of being mindful and growth:

● The never ending positive dialogue which forms between your brand, the greater community and us.
● Receptive conditions we create between Your Brand and Your listeners.
● The power of being mindful of the words that is spoken by our brand.
● The growth that comes from the creation of a meaningful and understandable dialogue.

Vision and Mission

 Mission:   to provide organizations the platform to create and nurture long lasting brand communication, both spoken and unspoken.

 Vision:   to transform and enhance current and potential relationships between the consumer and company through the creation of a positive dialogue.

Our chosen entity is Generosity water as we believe that they assist the individual who purchases the water but the community at large. We selected this company because they are future forward and offer a product which allows both the consumer and the greater community to benefit. They act as a medium which allows both privileged and struggling communities through their company.


Generosity water was established in 2007 when Philip Wagner discovered the need for clean drinkable water within various countries, while on his morning coffee run. He was blown away by the statistics that just over 1 billion people did not have access to clean drinking water.      

Their core values, vision and mission:

Core value: to offer clean drinking water to individuals who do not have access to it.

Mission:  to end the clean water crisis in developing countries, one community at a time. To give clean water to the 768 million people in the world without it.

Vision: to unite supporters dedicated to ending the water crisis, to partner with organizations that implement sustainable solutions, and to provide feedback showing the lasting difference each committed person can make

Their products and/ or service offering:

It is a water brand which is both generous to the health of the person who buys the water and the broader community.  The health factor would be that generosity water is high quality alkaline water with a pH balance if 10, in order to offer optimum hydration. This water helps the broader community in the sense that for every bottle of generosity water sold, you help two people the access to clean drinking 

Their successes and failures:

They have taken into account the fact that many people do not have much time but are willing to donate to a worthy cause within their means. Generosity water took this concept and managed to allow many people to donate to a worthy cause as well as quince their thirst. They have also incorporated effortless and effective donations through the use of Snap scan, thus making donating an easier.
Generosity water does to have the level of awareness that it could potentially have within the South African market, as many people do not know what they do

Why have we selected Generosity water?

We have selected generosity water as we believe that Generosity water not only assist the individual who purchases the water but the community at large. We selected this company because they are future forward and offer a product which allows both the consumer and the greater community to benefit
